A World of Knowledge. March 28, 2025
    While many wild plants have adapted to survive drought, most cultivated crops tend to be vulnerable to these natural occurrences. »
      ECB Exchange Rates (March 27, 2025)
    1 EUR=1.0785USD -0.00030graph »
    1 EUR=92.4620INR +0.06060graph »
    1 EUR=7.8361CNY -0.00200graph »
    1 EUR=0.9524CHF -0.00080graph »
    1 EUR=0.83318GBP -0.00305graph »
    1 EUR=162.55JPY +0.35000graph »
    1 EUR=6.2154BRL +0.03840graph »

    Brent Crude Oil Prices (USD per barrel)

    WTI Cushing (US) Crude Oil Prices (USD per barrel)

    New York
    8°C, humidity 43%; clear skies

    forecast for New York

    10°C, humidity 71%; mostly cloudy skies

    forecast for Paris

    12°C, humidity 76%; partly cloudy skies

    forecast for London

    13°C, humidity 54%

    forecast for Berlin

    14°C, humidity 67%; mostly clear skies

    forecast for Rome

    8°C, humidity 70%; mostly cloudy skies

    forecast for Moscow

    Rio de Janeiro
    26°C, humidity 83%; mostly clear skies

    forecast for Rio de Janeiro

    6°C, humidity 11%

    forecast for Beijing

    23°C, humidity 73%, light rain; mostly cloudy skies

    forecast for Sydney

    Historical Data and Graphs
    WTI Cushing (US) Crude Oil Historical Spot Prices with Graphs »
    Historical Data and Graphs
    Brent (Europe) Crude Oil Historical Spot Prices with Graphs »
    A study conducted at the University of São Paulo analyzed the effectiveness of 12 models and showed that only one met the safety limits set by an international organization. »
    Working at nanoscale dimensions, billionths of a meter in size, a team of scientists led by the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory revealed a new way to measure high-speed fluctuations in magnetic materials. »
    Scientists created and imaged a 2D interlocked polymer that is lightweight yet flexible and strong — and contains the highest density of mechanical bonds ever achieved »
    Cambridge scientist launches free AI-enabled virtual reality platform that transforms users into skilled and confident public speakers. »
    The finding expands on the kinds of ancient molecules that can be preserved in the Martian surface. »
    Dark energy, the mysterious force powering the expansion of the universe, appears to be weakening, according to a survey that could “overthrow” scientists’ current understanding of the fate of the cosmos. »
    Researchers at the University of Cambridge have discovered genes linked to obesity in both Labradors and humans. They say the effects can be over-ridden with a strict diet and exercise regime. »
    Researchers tested different concentrations of the substance on dental pulp cells. »
    Over 75000 topics, free access. »
    The largest Nutrition Facts DataBase, offering free, clear and accurate information for more than 7,000 food products. »
    One of the most widely recognized benefits of moderate red wine consumption is its positive impact on cardiovascular health. »
    Coffee consumption presents a complex mix of benefits and drawbacks across different age groups. »
    New York
    8°C, humidity 43%; clear skies

    forecast for New York

    10°C, humidity 71%; mostly cloudy skies

    forecast for Paris

    12°C, humidity 76%; partly cloudy skies

    forecast for London

    13°C, humidity 54%

    forecast for Berlin

    14°C, humidity 67%; mostly clear skies

    forecast for Rome

    8°C, humidity 70%; mostly cloudy skies

    forecast for Moscow

    Rio de Janeiro
    26°C, humidity 83%; mostly clear skies

    forecast for Rio de Janeiro

    6°C, humidity 11%

    forecast for Beijing

    23°C, humidity 73%, light rain; mostly cloudy skies

    forecast for Sydney

    Over 75000 topics, free access. »
    The largest Nutrition Facts DataBase, offering free, clear and accurate information for more than 7,000 food products. »
    One of the most widely recognized benefits of moderate red wine consumption is its positive impact on cardiovascular health. »
    Coffee consumption presents a complex mix of benefits and drawbacks across different age groups. »
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    Units, exercises and related audio files (Travel, Hotel, Restaurant, Shopping, Medical and Banking English). »
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    Over 1,300 high-quality audio files and about 100 self-study resources covering all the essential terminology related to accountancy. »
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    More than 200, 000 dictionary entries. »
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    Over 5000 literary works, especially prose fiction, fables and fairy tales. »
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