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A World of Knowledge
Titi Tudorancea TV
Rig Veda
Sama Veda
White Yajurveda (Vâjasaneyi-Sanhitâ)
Black Yajurveda (Taittiriya Sanhita)
Vedânta-Sûtras (Brahma Sutras)
Vishnu Purana
Garuda Purana
S'rîmad Devî Bhâgawatam
Vishnu-smriti (Vishnu sutra)
Satapatha Brahmana
Manusmriti (The Laws of Manu)
Sacred Laws of the Âryas
Yoga Vāsistha
Surendranath Dasgupta: A History of Indian Philosophy
Surendranath Dasgupta: Hindu Mysticism
Yoga Sutra
Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Gheranda Samhita
Select works of Sri Sankaracharya
The Tibetan Book of the Dead
J. C. Chatterji: Kashmir Shaivism
J. C. Chatterji: Hindu Realism
Sánkhya Aphorisms of Kapila
Arthur Avalon: Hymn to Kālī
Arthur Avalon: The Garland of Letters
Arthur Avalon: The Serpent Power
Mahanirvana Tantra
Arthur Avalon: Mahamaya
Arthur Avalon: Shakti and Shakta
Arthur Avalon: Hymns to the Goddess
John Woodroffe: Introduction to Tantra-Sastra
Tantratattva (Principles of Tantra)
Tibet's Great Yogi Milarepa
The twenty-eight categories of yogic precepts.
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 1 - Description of the Evening and Breaking of the Assembly
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 2 - On the perfect calm and composure of the mind
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 3 - On the unity and universality of Brahmā
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 4 - Went of anxiety in the way of salvation
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 5 - The narration of Rāma's perfect Rest
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 6 - The Narration of Delerium (Moha)
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 7 - Magnitude or preponderance of Ignorance
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 8 - Allegory of the Spreading Arbour of Ignorance
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 9 - Ascertainment of True Knowledge
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 10 - Removal of Ignorance
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 11 - Ascertainment of Living Liberation
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 12 - Reanoning on the doubts of the Living Liberation
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 13 - The Two Yogas of Knowledge and Reasoning
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 14 - Narrative of Bhuśunda and Description of Mount Meru
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 15 - Vasistha's Visit to Bhuśanda
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 16 - Conversation of Vasistha and Bhuśunda
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 17 - Description of Bhuśunda's Person
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 18 - Manners of the Matrka Goddesses
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 19 - Bhununda's Nativity and Habitation
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 20 - Explication of the mysterious character of Bhuśunda
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 21 - Explanation of the cause of the Crows Longevity
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 22 - Account of Fast Ages
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 23 - Desire of tranquility and quiescence of the Mind
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 24 - Investigation of the Living Principle
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 25 - On Samādhi
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 26 - Relation of the Cause of Longevity
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 27 - Conclusion of the narrative of Bhuśanda
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 28 - Lecture on theopathy or spiritual meditation
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 29 - Pantheism or description of the world as full with the Supreme Soul
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 30 - Inquiry into the nature of the Intellect
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 31 - Identity of the Mind and Living Soul
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 32 - On the sustaintion and dissolution of the Body
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 33 - Resolution of duality into Unity
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 34 - Sermon of Śiva on the same subject
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 35 - Adoration of the great God Mahādeva
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 36 - Description of the Supreme Deity Parameswara
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 37 - The Stage Play and Dance of Destiny
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 38 - On the external worship of the Deity
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 39 - Mode of the internal worship of the Deity
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 40 - Inquiry into the nature-of the Deity
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 41 - Vanity of world and worldly things
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 42 - The supreme soul and its phases and Names
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 43 - On Rest and Tranquility
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 44 - Inquiry into the Essence of the Mind
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 45 - Story of the Vilva or Belfruit
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 46 - Parable of the stony Sheath of the Soul
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 47 - Lecture on the density of the Intellect
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 48 - On the unity and identity of Brahmā and the World
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 49 - Contemplation of the course of the world
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 50 - On sensations and the objects of Senses
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 51 - On the perception of the sensible objects
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 52 - Story of Arjuna, as the incarnation of Nara-Narāyana
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 53 - Admonition of Arjuna
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 54 - Admonition of Arjuna in spiritual Knowledge
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 55 - Lecture on the living Soul or Jivatatwa
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 56 - Description of the Mind
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 57 - On abandonment of desire and its result of Tranquility
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 58 - Arjuna's satisfaction at the Sermon
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 59 - Knowledge of the latent and inscrutable Soul
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 60 - Knowledge of the majesty and grandeur of God
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 61 - Description of the world as a passing Dream
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 62 - Description of the world as a passing Dream
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 63 - Dream of Jīvāta
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 64 - On the attainment of attendant-ship on the God Rudra
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 65 - Rāma's wonder at the error of Men
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 66 - The wonderings of the Mendicant
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 67 - Unity of God
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 68 - On the Virtues of Taciturnity
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 69 - Union of the mind with the breath of life
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 70 - Interrogatories of Vetāla
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 71 - The Prince's reply to the first question of the Vetāla
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 72 - Answers to the remaining Questions
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 73 - End of the story of the Vetāla Demon
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 74 - Account and admonition of Bhagīratha
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 75 - Supineness of Bhagīratha
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 76 - The Descent of Ganges on Earth
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 77 - Narrative of Cudāla and Sikhidhwaja
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 78 - Beatification of Cudāla
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 79 - Princess coming to the sight of the Supreme Soul
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 80 - Display of the Quintuple Elements
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 81 - Inquiry Into Agni, Soma or Fire and Moon
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 82 - Yoga instructions for acquirement of the supernatural powers of Anima-Minuteness and Etc.
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 83 - Story of the Miserly Kirāta
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 84 - Pilgrimage of Prince Sikhidhwaja
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 85 - Investigation Into True Happiness
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 86 - The production of the pot (or the Embryonic Cell)
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 87 - Continuation of the same and Enlightenment of Sikhidhwaja
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 88 - The Tale of the Crystal Gem
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 89 - The Parable of An Elephant
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 90 - Way to obtain the philosopher's stone
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 93 - Admonition of Sikhidhwaja
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 91 - Interpretation of the parable of the Elephant
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 94 - Enlightenment of Sikhidhwaja
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 92 - The prince's abjurationof his asceticism
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 95 - The anaesthetic platonism of Sikhidhwaja
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 96 - Enlightenment of Sikhidhwaja
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 97 - Enlightenment of the prince in Theosophy
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 98 - Admonition of Sikhidhwaja continued
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 99 - Remonstration of Sikhidhwaja
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 100 - Continuation of the Same Subject
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 101 - Admonition of Cudāla
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 102 - Repose of Sikhidhwaja in the divine spirit
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 103 - Return of Kumbha to the Hermitage of Sikhidhwaja
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 104 - On the conduct of living-liberated men
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 105 - Metamorphoses of Kumbha to a female From
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 106 - Marriage of Cudāla with Sikhidhwaja
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 107 - The advent of false Indra in the cottage of the Happy Pair
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 108 - Manifestation of Cudāla in her own Form
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 109 - Appearance of Cudāla in the presence of her Lord
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 110 - Final Extinction of Sikhidhwaja
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 111 - Story of Kaca and his enlightenment by the Brhaspati
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 112 - A fanciful being and his occupation of air Drawn and air built Abodes
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.1): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 113 - The parable of the vain man continued
Yoga-Vāsistha (5): Upaśama-Khanda
Yoga-Vāsistha (4): Sthiti-Prakarana
Yoga-Vāsistha (3): Utpatti-Prakarana
Yoga-Vāsistha (2): Mumuksu-Vyavahāra-Prakarana
Yoga-Vāsistha (1): Vairāgya-Prakarana
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.2): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 214 - Description of the Great Jubilee of the Assembly
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.2): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 213 - Narration of Rāma's Prior Pupil Age Under Vasistha
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.2): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 212 - On Ascertainment of Truth
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.2): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 211 - Lecture on Transcendent Truth
Yoga-Vāsistha (6.2): Nirvāna-Prakarana. 210 - Refutation of the Conception of a Duality In Unity
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