Health / Medical Topics

    NPI - Aberrant Motor Behavior Distress

    Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI) Aberrant Motor Behavior: How emotionally distressing do you find this behavior? (NCI Thesaurus)


    Human NPHP1 wild-type allele is located in the vicinity of 2q13 and is approximately 83 kb in length. This allele, which encodes…
    This gene is involved in the mediation of signal transduction.
    Human NPEPPS wild-type allele is located in the vicinity of 17q21 and is approximately 41 kb in length. This allele, which encodes…
    This gene plays a role in peptide metabolism.
    Human NPC1L1 wild-type allele is located in the vicinity of 7p13 and is approximately 29 kb in length. This allele, which encodes…
    This gene plays a role in lipid transport.

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