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Nutrition therapy
Treatment based on nutrition. It includes checking a person’s nutrition status, and giving the right foods or nutrients to treat conditions such as those caused by diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. It may involve simple changes in a person’s diet, or intravenous or tube feeding. Nutrition therapy may help patients recover more quickly and spend less time in the hospital. Also called medical nutrition therapy. (NCI Dictionary)
The Nutrition Shared Resource provides Cancer Center investigators with support in dietary and nutritional assessment and monitoring, including quantitative measurements of biochemical…
Any method for determining as accurately as possible total food amount and composition ingested by subjects in dietary studies or amount of…
Food provides the energy and nutrients you need to be healthy. Nutrients include proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals and water.
The taking in and use of food and other nourishing material by the body. Nutrition is a 3-part process. First, food or…
The study of the interaction of dietary and genetic factors and its effect on metabolism, health status, and risk of disease. …
Food that is high in nutrients but relatively low in calories. Nutrient-dense foods contain vitamins, minerals, complex carbohydrates, lean protein, and healthy…