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Optical Tweezers
A technique that utilizes light waves to exert minute forces as well as transmit energy to isolate and manipulate nanoparticles. (NCI Thesaurus)
A method utilized for the non-mechanical manipulation of nanoparticles. Small transparent objects can be isolated or fixed using focused laser light. The…
In medicine, a technique that uses low power light, fiberoptic instruments, and detectors to examine tissue. It is being studied as…
The ability of a chiral substance to rotate the plane of polarization of a beam of transmitted plane-polarized light, either clockwise (to…
Issue associated with the blocking of optical devices, e.g., visual pathways.
The Optical Microscopy Shared resource provides support for Cancer Center investigators in identification relevant methods for imaging study, and assists researchers with…
Any method of quantitative or qualitative analysis that involves optics and/or the measurement of light.