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Organo-halide Carcinogen
A compound with carcinogenic activity that has a carbon-based backbone that may be a cyclic or non-cyclic structure with single, double or triple bonds and can have other elements besides hydrogen incorporated in its structure but has at least one halogen (chloride, bromide, fluoride, iodide, and astatine) atom substituted for one of the hydrogen atoms. (NCI Thesaurus)
Organizational unit like a laboratory, institute or consortium.
A coded value specifying the kind of organizational contact.
A descriptive or distinctive appellation, especially one belonging to a person by right of rank, office, attainment, etc.
A sequence of digits or characters used to identify a particular telephone, fax, or email of the organizational contact.
Specifies whether this is the main or principal organizational contact.
A contact point used to send physical forms of communication to the organizational contact.