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P20 Planning Cancer Center
A P20 Planning Cancer Center is an institution awarded with an NCI-provided P20 Cancer Center Planning Grant. (NCI Thesaurus)
Expression of a fusion protein with an apparent molecular weight of 190 kilodaltons that results from a fusion of the human genes…
An immunohistochemical test result indicating that there are neoplastic cells stained positive with the p16 INK4a monoclonal antibody.
An immunohistochemical diagnostic test utilizing an antibody to detect p16 in tissues.
An inhibitor of the beta and delta isoforms of the 110 kDa catalytic subunit of class IA phosphoinositide-3 kinases (PI3K) with potential…
A cloning vector based upon the bacteriophage P1, with capability in accepting larger DNA inserts. It is used for introduction of foreign…
A cloning vector derived from the bacteriophage P1.