Tipiṭaka / Tipiṭaka (English) / Aṅguttara Nikāya, English translation |
අඞ්ගුත්තර නිකාය 10.56
Numbered Discourses 10.56
6. සචිත්තවග්ග
6. Your Own Mind
Perceptions (1st)
“දසයිමා, භික්ඛවේ, සඤ්ඤා භාවිතා බහුලීකතා මහප්ඵලා හෝන්ති මහානිසංසා අමතෝගධා අමතපරියෝසානා. කතමා දස? අසුභසඤ්ඤා, මරණසඤ්ඤා, ආහාරේ පටිකූලසඤ්ඤා, සබ්බලෝකේ අනභිරතසඤ්ඤා, අනිච්චසඤ්ඤා, අනිච්චේ දුක්ඛසඤ්ඤා, දුක්ඛේ අනත්තසඤ්ඤා, පහානසඤ්ඤා, විරාගසඤ්ඤා, නිරෝධසඤ්ඤා—ඉමා ඛෝ, භික්ඛවේ, දස සඤ්ඤා භාවිතා බහුලීකතා මහප්ඵලා හෝන්ති මහානිසංසා අමතෝගධා අමතපරියෝසානා”ති.
“Bhikkhus, these ten perceptions, when developed and cultivated, are very fruitful and beneficial. They culminate in the deathless and end with the deathless. What ten? The perceptions of ugliness, death, repulsiveness of food, dissatisfaction with the whole world, impermanence, suffering in impermanence, and not-self in suffering, giving up, fading away, and cessation. These ten perceptions, when developed and cultivated, are very fruitful and beneficial. They culminate in the deathless and end with the deathless.”
The authoritative text of the Aṅguttara Nikāya is the Pāli text. The English translation is provided as an aid to the study of the original Pāli text. [CREDITS »]