Health / Medical Topics

    Peplomycin Sulfate

    The sulfate salt of the bleomycin analogue peplomycin. Peplomycin forms complexes with iron that reduce molecular oxygen to superoxide and hydroxyl radicals that cause single- and double-stranded breaks in DNA. This agent appears to show greater antitumor activity than bleomycin; its use is limited due to pulmonary toxicity. (NCI Thesaurus)


    A semisynthetic analog of Bleomycin, a mixture of several basic glycopeptide antineoplastic antibiotics isolated from Streptomyces verticillus. Peplomycin forms complexes with…
    A form of the anticancer drug irinotecan hydrochloride that is contained inside very tiny, fat-like particles. It is being studied in the…
    A peptide vaccine derived from cytomegalovirus (CMV) antigens with potential immunostimulating activity. Intradermal administration of the PEP-CMV vaccine may stimulate the immune…
    A cancer vaccine consisting of PEP-3, a synthetic peptide encompassing a tumor-specific mutated segment of the epidermal growth factor receptor type vIII…
    Human beings in general.
    An anthocyanidin with hydroxyl groups at C-3, -5, -7, and -4', and a methoxyl group at C-3'.

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