Health / Medical Topics

    Pepsinogen Measurement

    Definition 1

    The determination of the amount of pepsinogen present in a sample. (NCI Thesaurus)

    Definition 2

    A measurement of the pepsinogen in a biological specimen. (NCI Thesaurus/CDISC)


    The determination of the amount of pepsinogen II present in a sample.
    The determination of the amount of pepsinogen I present in a sample.
    The determination of the amount of pepsinogen C present in a sample.
    The determination of the amount of pepsinogen A present in a sample.
    A substance made by cells in the stomach. Acid in the stomach changes pepsinogen to pepsin, which breaks down proteins in food…
    An enzyme made in the stomach that breaks down proteins in food during digestion. Stomach acid changes a protein called pepsinogen into…

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