Health / Medical Topics

    Peptide Metabolism

    Peptide Metabolism involves cellular biotransforming chemical modifications of peptides. (NCI Thesaurus)


    The determination of the amount of any peptide hormone present in a sample.
    Peptide Hormone Genes encode Peptide Hormones, typically synthesized as larger precursor molecules from which are derived smaller active proteins that function as…
    Small proteins that function as hormonal signals, synthesized and secreted by one tissue or organ with physiological effects on other tissues or…
    The 3-D structure of peptides.
    A vaccine comprised of peptide 946, a gp100 peptide recognized by melanoma-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes, conjugated with a modified T-helper epitope from…
    A melanoma peptide vaccine complexed with tetanus toxoid with potential antineoplastic activity. Peptide 946 contains a melanoma-specific epitope recognized by melanoma-specific cytotoxic…

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