Health / Medical Topics

    Peptide YY Measurement

    Definition 1

    The determination of the amount of peptide YY present in a sample. (NCI Thesaurus)

    Definition 2

    A measurement of the peptide YY in a biological specimen. (NCI Thesaurus/CDISC)


    Peptide YY (97 aa, ~11 kDa) is encoded by the human PYY gene. This protein is involved in hormone signaling to regulate…
    A vaccine based on a synthetic peptide or peptides produced from tissue samples or recombinant sources. Vaccination with peptide vaccines may elicit…
    Peptide Transport involves mechanisms that promote the translocation of a peptide from one location to another.
    The sequential formation of peptide bonds between amino acids
    A modification of the standard polymerase chain reaction that increases the ability to preferentially amplify mutant alleles in the presence of an…
    Peptide Metabolism involves cellular biotransforming chemical modifications of peptides.

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