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Performed Substance Administration Period Active Ingredient Dose Total
The total amount of active ingredient in all doses of treatment in a given period of time. The given period of time is defined in dosePeriodCode. Derived by multiplying PerformedSubstanceAdministration.periodProductDoseTotal (the composite product that was administered) with the ProductRelationship.quantity (a ratio) for the component product that is the active ingredient (where ProductRelationship.activeIngredientIndicator = "true"). (NCI Thesaurus/BRIDG)
The period of time during which a substance administration is interrupted. EXAMPLE(S): An infusion started at 12: 15pm and ended at 2:…
Measurement of the speed of administration of a substance. EXAMPLE(S): 5 ml/min.
A coded value specifying when this event ended with respect to the sponsor-defined reference period.
A coded value specifying the period during which the periodDoseTotal is administered.
A coded value specifying how often doses are administered.
The textual representation of dosing amounts or a range of dosing information used in a substance administration.