Health / Medical Topics

    Peroxisome Proliferation

    Associated with hepatocellular carcinomas, Peroxisome Proliferation occurs in epigenetic "non-genotoxic" responses of hepatocytes to diverse peroxisome proliferator chemicals and involves, probably by a steroid superfamily receptor-based mechanism (PPARs), altered expression of cellular growth and/or differentiation genes, induction of peroxisomal enzymes, and possibly oxidative stress. (NCI Thesaurus)


    Peroxisomes are essential organelles that play a key role in redox signaling and lipid homeostasis. They contribute to many crucial metabolic processes…
    Subcellular respiratory organelles containing catalase and hydrogen peroxide-producing flavin oxidases among its enzymatic constituents, which carry out an essentially oxidative type of…
    A group of congenital disorders of lipid metabolism, caused by loss of the normal peroxisomes. Signs and symptoms include developmental delays, mental…
    Peroxisomal acyl-coenzyme A oxidase 2 (681 aa, ~77 kDa) is encoded by the human ACOX2 gene. This protein is involved in the…
    Paralysis of the nerves located in the legs.
    Any one of the three (common, deep, and superficial) peroneal nerves.

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