Health / Medical Topics

    Phase-Contrast Microscopy

    Definition 1

    A simple non-quantitative form of interference microscopy of great utility in visualising live cells. Small differences in optical path length due to differences in refractive index and thickness of structures are visualised as differences in light intensity. (NCI Thesaurus)

    Definition 2

    A microscopic technique in which the amplitude shift that occurs when light passes through a specimen highlights structures or details within the specimen. (NCI Thesaurus/CDISC)


    An artifact that occurs when tissues outside the field of view (FOV) get added to the opposite side of the image. …
    Postmarketing surveillance is sometimes referred to as Phase V. See outcomes research.
    The various distinct periods during the first stage of labor and childbirth; such as a latent, active or a transition phase. …
    A type of clinical trial that studies the side effects of a treatment after it has been approved and is being…
    A type of clinical trial that studies the side effects caused over time by a new treatment after it has been approved…
    A type of Phase III trial executed near the time of approval to elicit additional findings. This type of trial may be…

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