Health / Medical Topics


    A synthetic pyridine derivative anesthetic, Phenazopyridine is used as a local anesthetic in urinary tract disorders to relieve pain of lower urinary-tract irritation, as in cystitis, urethritis or prostatitis. Compatible with relief of pain and discomfort in antibacterial therapy, its use is limited however due to toxicity (primarily blood disorders) and potential carcinogenicity. (NCI Thesaurus)


    A class of chemicals that are products of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon metabolism.
    A nitrogen mustard compound that cross-links with DNA, causing inhibition of DNA synthesis.
    Analgesic mixtures containing phenacetin are no longer available in the United States. These are known to be human carcinogens.
    A synthetic, white crystalline solid that is slightly soluble in water and benzene, soluble in acetone and very soluble in pyrimidine. It…
    A proprietary formulation consisting of a Phellodendron amurense (Amur cork tree) bark extract, often used in traditional Chinese medicine, with anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant…
    PHD finger protein 6 (365 aa, ~41 kDa) is encoded by the human PHF6 gene. This protein plays a role in transcriptional…

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