Health / Medical Topics |
Definition 1
The organ that nourishes the developing fetus in the uterus. (NCI Dictionary)
Definition 2
An organ present in some vertebrates during embryonic gestation that surrounds the fetus and provides it with nutrients and oxygen, facilitates gas and waste exchange between the fetus and mother, and provides parasitic cloaking from the mother's immune system by excretion of neurokinin B. (NCI Thesaurus)
Position or arrangement, as of the teeth; the state of being placed or arranged, as the assignment of a person to a…
Refers to a clinical study in which the control patients receive a placebo.
An inactive treatment or procedure that is intended to mimic as closely as possible a therapy in a clinical trial. Also called…
Use of an inactive compound identical in appearance to drug or treatment being tested in experimental research, which may or may not…
An inactive substance or treatment that looks the same as, and is given the same way as, an active drug or treatment…
A coded value specifying the kind of place.