Health / Medical Topics


    A small protein made by the pancreas that helps control the release of other substances made by the pancreas. The amount of PP in the blood increases after a person eats. It may also increase with age, and in certain diseases, such as diabetes and pancreatic cancer. Also called pancreatic polypeptide. (NCI Dictionary)


    An orally bioavailable, quinazoline-based, mall-molecular and irreversible pan-epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR or HER) inhibitor with potential antineoplastic activity. Poziotinib inhibits EGFR…
    POZ-, AT hook-, and zinc finger-containing protein 1 (687 aa, ~74 kDa) is encoded by the human PATZ1 gene. This protein is…
    A family of double-stranded DNA viruses infecting mammals, birds and insects. Contains two subfamilies: chordopoxvirinae, poxviruses of vertebrates, and entopoxvirinae, poxviruses of…
    Cloning vectors derived from vaccinia virus or other pox viruses, eg canarypox. Usually used for expression of foreign genes in mammalian…
    A switch designed to regulate the power to a device.
    Any electronic device designed to supply power to other devices.

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