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Primary Peritoneal Borderline Epithelial Neoplasm
An epithelial neoplasm that arises from the peritoneum and histologically resembles the borderline surface epithelial-stromal tumors that arise from the ovary. The diagnosis of a primary peritoneal borderline epithelial neoplasm can be made only if there is no ovarian involvement or, when it is present, is minimal. (NCI Thesaurus)
The main identifier of a package type.
A condition in which the ovaries stop working and menstrual periods stop before age 40. Natural menopause usually occurs around age…
Absent or premature cessation of ovarian function due to an issue originating within the ovaries.
The primary measurement(s) or observation(s) used to measure the effect of experimental variables in a study, or for observational studies, to describe…
The primitive differentiated female gamete which gives rise to an oocyte.
A coded value specifying the principal activity that a person does to earn money.