Health / Medical Topics

    Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial

    A phase III, randomized, placebo-controlled cancer prevention trial of >18,000 men coordinated by the Southwest Oncology Group. The trial will determine the effect of a daily dose of finasteride taken for seven years on the biopsy-proven prevalence of prostate cancer. It is scheduled to be completed in 2004. (NCI Thesaurus)


    The identification of key molecular alterations in prostate-cancer cells implicates carcinogen defenses (GSTP1), growth-factor-signaling pathways (NKX3.1, PTEN, and p27), and androgens (AR)…
    A pathologic finding about one or more characteristics of prostate cancer, following the rules of the TNM AJCC v6 classification system. TNM…
    A pathologic finding about one or more characteristics of prostate cancer, following the rules of the TNM AJCC v6 classification system as…
    A pathologic finding about one or more characteristics of prostate cancer, following the rules of the TNM AJCC v6 classification system as…
    A pathologic finding about one or more characteristics of prostate cancer, following the rules of the TNM AJCC v6 classification system as…
    A study initiated in 1994 by researchers at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) to look at the impact that treatments for primary…

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