Health / Medical Topics

    Radioactive Label

    A substance containing a radioisotope that has an affinity for and binds to a chosen biologic substance of interest to enable quantification of biologic processes. (NCI Thesaurus)


    A radioactive form of iodine, often used for imaging tests or to treat an overactive thyroid, thyroid cancer, and certain other…
    Implantation of radioactive material in an internal anatomic site.
    A radioactive form of glucose (sugar) often used during a positive emission tomography (PET) scan, a type of imaging test. In PET,…
    Airborne radioactive particles that fall to the ground during and after an atomic bombing, nuclear weapons test, or nuclear plant accident. …
    Elements which exhibit atomic emission due to natural or artificial nuclear transformation. These elements spontaneously undergo radioactive decay.
    A drug that contains a radioactive substance and is used to diagnose or treat disease, including cancer. Also called radiopharmaceutical.

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