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Research Organization
Definition 1
An organization whose purpose is to support systemic, rigorous study and investigation into a particular field or fields. (NCI Thesaurus)
Definition 2
An organization whose purpose is to support systemic, rigorous study and investigation into a particular field or fields. EXAMPLE(S): Clinical Research Organization (CRO) (NCI Thesaurus/BRIDG)
Any one of several evaluation/assessment tools used to ascertain a patient's condition or diagnosis.
A nurse who is involved in the treatment and observation of patients as part of a systematic investigation.
Develop and evaluate new laboratory assays, behavioral methods, and statistical techniques for epidemiologic studies. (FMB)
Any item with which a scientist works.
Refers to the physical structures needed to conduct research as well as the basic services needed for support, eg shipping and receiving…
Support to expand, remodel, renovate, or alter biomedical or behavioral research facilities.