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Rig Veda
Book 5, Hymn XIX. Agni
1. ONE state begets another state: husk is made visible from husk:
Within his Mother's side he speaks.
2 Discerning, have they offered gifts: they guard the strength that never wastes.
To a strong fort have they pressed in.
3 Śvaitreya's people, all his men, have gloriously increased in might.
A gold chain Bṛhaduktha wears, as, through this Soma, seeking spoil.
4 I bring, as ’twere, the longed-for milk, the dear milk of the Sister-Pair.
Like to a caldron filled with food is he, unconquered, conquering all.
5 Beam of light, come to us in sportive fashion, finding thyself close to the wind that fans thee.
These flames of his are wasting flames, like arrows keen-pointed, sharpened, on his breast.