Philosophy and Religion / Rig Veda

    Rig Veda

    Book 7, Hymn LXI. Mitra-Varuṇa

    1. O VARUNA and Mitra, Sūrya spreading the beauteous light of you Twain Gods ariseth.
    He who beholdetb all existing creatures observetb well the zeal that is in mortals.

    2 The holy sage, renowned afar, directeth his hymns to you, O Varuṇa and Mitra,—
    He whose devotions, sapient Gods, ye favour so that ye fill, as ’twere, with power his autumns.

    3 From the wide earth, O Varuṇa and Mitra from the great lofty heaven, ye, Bounteous Givers, -
    Have in the fields and houses set your warder-, who visit every spot and watch unceasing.

    4 I praise the strength of Varuṇa and Mitra that strength, by mightiness, keeps both worlds asunder.
    Heroless pass the months of the ungodly he who loves sacrifice makes his home enduring.

    5 Steers, all infallible are these your people in whom no wondrous thing is seen, no worship.
    Guile follows close the men who are untruthful: no secrets may be hidden from your knowledge.

    6 I will exalt your sacrifice with homage: as priest, I, Mitra-Varuṇa, invoke you.
    May these new hymns and prayers that I have fashioned delight you to the profit of the singer.

    7 This priestly task, Gods! Varuṇa and Mitra! hath been performed for you at sacrifices.
    Convey us safely over every peril. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.


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