Philosophy and Religion / Sama Veda |
Sama Veda
First part, Book 2, Chapter I, Decade III, Indra
1. Sing this, beside the flowing juice, to him your hero, much-invoked,
To please him as a mighty Bull
2. O Satakratu Indra, now rejoice with that carouse of thine
Which is most glorious of all!
3. Ye cows, protect the fount: the two mighty ones bless the sacrifice.
The handles twain are wrought of gold.
4. Sing praises that the horse may come; sing, Srutakaksha, that the cow
May come, that Indra's might may come
5. We make this Indra very strong to strike, the mighty Vritra dead:
A vigorous hero shall he be.
6. Based upon strength and victory and power, O Indra, is thy birth:
Thou, mighty one! art strong indeed,
7. The sacrifice made Indra great when he unrolled the earth, and made
Himself a diadem in heaven.
8. If I, O Indra, were, like thee, the single ruler over wealth
My worshipper should be rich in kine.
9. Pressers, blend Soma juice for him, each draught most excellent, for him
The brave, the hero, for his joy.
10. Here is the Soma juice expressed. O Vasu, drink till thou art full:
Undaunted God, we give it thee.