Philosophy and Religion / Sama Veda |
Sama Veda
First part, Book 2, Chapter I, Decade V, Indra and others
1. I Hear, as though 'twere close at hand, the cracking of the whips they hold:
They gather splendour on their way.
2. Indra, these friends of ours, supplied with Soma, wait and look to thee
As men with fodder to the herd.
3. Before his hot displeasure all the peoples, all the men bow down,
As rivers bow them to the sea.
4. We choose unto ourselves that high protection of the mighty Gods,
That it may help and succour us.
5. O Brahmanaspati, make thou Kakshivan Ausija a loud
Chanter of flowing Soma juice!
6. Much honoured with libations may the Vritra-slayer watch for us:
May Sakra listen to our prayer
7. Send us this day, God Savitar, prosperity with progeny
Drive thou the evil dream away!
8. Where is that ever-youthful Steer, strong-necked and never yet bent down?
What Brahman ministers to him?
9. There where the mountains downward slope, there at the meeting of the streams
The Sage was manifest by song.
10. Praise Indra whom our songs must laud, sole sovran of mankind, the chief
Most liberal who controlleth men.