Philosophy and Religion / Sama Veda |
Sama Veda
First part, Book 2, Chapter II, Decade V, Indra and others
1. Ne'er is he injured whom the Gods Varuna, Mitra, Aryam.
The excellently wise, protect.
2. According to our wish for kine, for steeds and chariots, as of old,
Be gracious to our wealthy chiefs
3. Indra, these spotted cows yield thee their butter and the milky draught,
Aiders, thereby, of sacrifice.
4. That thou much-lauded! many-named! mayst, with this thought, that longs for milk,
Come to each Soma sacrifice.
5. May bright Sarasvati, endowed with plenteous wealth and spoil, enriched
With prayer, desire the sacrifice.
6. Why 'mid the Nahusha tribes shall sate this Indra with his Soma juice?
He shall bring precious things to us.
7. Come, we have pressed the juice for thee; O Indra, drink this Soma here:
Sit thou on this my sacred grass
8. Great, unassailable must be the heavenly favour of the Three,
Varuna, Mitra, Aryaman.
9. We, Indra, Lord of ample wealth, our guide, depend on one like thee,
Thou driver of the tawny steeds!