Philosophy and Religion / Sama Veda |
Sama Veda
First part, Book 3, Chapter I, Decade II, Indra
1. Him have I magnified, our Lord in common, guardian of your folk,
Discloser of great wealth in kine.
2. Songs have outpoured themselves to thee, Indra, the strong, the guardian Lord,
And with one will have risen to thee!
3. Good guidance hath the mortal man whom Arya-man, the Marut host,
And Mitras, void of guile, protect.
4. Bring us the wealth for which we long, O Indra, that which is concealed
In strong firm place precipitous.
5. Him your best Vritra-slayer, him the famous champion of mankind
I urge to great munificence.
6. Indra, may we adorn thy fame, fame of one like thee, hero! deck,
Sakra! thy fame at highest feast!
7. Indra, accept at break of day our Soma mixt with roasted corn,
With groats, with cake, with eulogies!
8. With waters' foam thou torest off, Indra, the head of Namuchi,
When thou o'ercamest all the foes.
9. Thine are these Soma juices, thine, Indra, those still to be expressed:
Enjoy them, Lord of princely wealth!
10. For thee, O Indra, Lord of light, Somas are pressed and grass is strewn:
Be gracious to thy worshippers!