Philosophy and Religion / Sama Veda |
Sama Veda
First part, Book 3, Chapter I, Decade IV, Indra
1. Pass by the wrathful offerer; speed the man who pours libation, drink
The juice which he presents to thee!
2. What is the word addressed to him, God great and excellently wise?
For this is what exalteth him.
3. His wealth who hath no store of kine hath ne'er found out recited laud,
Nor song of praises that is sung.
4. Lord of each thing that giveth strength, Indra delighteth most in lauds,
Borne by bay steeds, libations' friend.
5. With wealth to our libation come, be not thou angry with us, like
A great man with a youthful bride.
6. When, Vasu, wilt thou love the laud? Now let the Channel bring the stream.
The juice is ready to ferment.
7. After the Seasons. Indra, drink the Soma from the Brahman's gift:
Thy friendship is invincible!
8. O Indra, lover of the song, we are the singers of thy praise
O Soma-drinker, quicken us!
9. O Indra, in each fight and fray give to our bodies manly strength:
Strong Lord, grant ever-conquering might!
10. For so thou art the brave man's friend; a hero, too, art thou, and strong:
So may thine heart be won to us!