Philosophy and Religion / Sama Veda |
Sama Veda
First part, Book 5, Chapter II, Decade II, Agni, Indra
1. Observant Agni hath appeared, oblation-bearer with his car.
2. O Agni, be our nearest friend, yea, our protector and our kind deliverer!
3. Like wondrous Bhaga, Agni deals treasure among the mighty.
4. Far off or present even now, send forth thy shouting first of all!
5. Dawn drives away her sister's gloom, and through her excellence makes her retrace her path.
6. May we, with Indra and the Gods to aid us, bring these existing worlds to full completion!
7. Like streams of water on their way, let bounties, Indra, flow from thee!
8. With this may we obtain strength god-appointed, happy with brave sons through a hundred winters!
9. With strength let Mitra, Varuna swell oblations; do thou prepare for us rich food, O Indra!
10. Indra is King of all the world.