Philosophy and Religion / Sama Veda |
Sama Veda
First part, Book 5, Chapter II, Decade IV, Soma, Pavamana
1. High is thy juice's birth: though set it heaven, on earth it hath obtained dread sheltering power and great renown.
2. In sweetest and most gladdening stream flow pure, O Soma, on thy way, pressed out for Indra, for his drink!
3. Flow onward mighty with thy stream, inspiriting the Maruts' Lord, winning all riches with thy power!
4. Flow onward with that juice of thine most excellent, that brings delight, slaying the wicked, dear to Gods!
5. Three several words are uttered: kine are lowing, cows who give the milk; the tawny-hued goes bellowing on.
6. For Indra girt by Maruts, flow, thou Indu, very rich in meath, to seat thee in the place of song!
7. Strong, mountain-born, the stalk hath been pressed in the streams for rapturous joy. Hawk-like he settles in his home.
8. Gold-hued! as one who giveth strength flow on for Gods to drink, a draught for Vayu and the Marut host!
9. Soma, the dweller on the hills, effused, hath flowed into the sieve. All-bounteous art thou in carouse.
10. The Sage of heaven whose heart is wise, when laid between both hands, with roars, gives us delightful powers of life.