Philosophy and Religion / Sama Veda |
Sama Veda
First part, Book 6, Chapter II, Decade III, Soma, Pavamana
1. To Indra, to the mighty one, let these gold-coloured juices go,
Drops born as Law prescribes, that find the light of heavenj
2. Flow vigilant for Indra, thou Soma, yea, Indu, run thou forth;
Bring hither splendid strength that finds the light of heaven!
3. Sit down, O friends, and sing aloud to him who purifies himself.
Deck him for glory, like a child, with holy rites!
4. Friends, hymn your Lord who makes him pure for rapturous
carouse: let them
Sweeten him, as a child, with lauds and sacred gifts!
5. Breath of the mighty Dames, the Child, speeding the plan of' sacrifice,
Surpasses all things that are dear, yea, from of old!
6. In might, O Indu, with thy streams flow for the banquet of the Gods:
Rich in meath, Soma, in our beaker take thy seat!
7. Soma, while filtered, with his wave flows through the long wool of the sheep,
Roaring, while purified, before the voice of song.
8. The speech is uttered for the Sage, for Soma being purified:
Bring meed as 'twere to one who makes thee glad with hymns!
9. Flow to us, Indu, very strong, effused, with wealth of kine and, steeds,
And do thou lay above the milk thy radiant hue!
10. Voices have sung aloud to thee as finder-out of wealth for us:
We clothe the hue thou wearest with a robe of milk.
11. Gold-hued and lovely in his course through tangles of the wooli he flows:
Stream forth heroic fame upon the worshippers!
12. On through the long wool of the sheep to the meath-dropping vat he flows:
The Rishis' sevenfold quire hath sung aloud to him.