Philosophy and Religion / Sama Veda |
Sama Veda
First part, Book 6, Chapter II, Decade IV, Soma, Pavamana
I. For Indra flow, thou Soma, on, as most inspiring drink, exceeding rich in sweets.
Great, most celestial, gladdening drink!
2. Make high and splendid glory shine hitherward, Lord of food, God, on the friend of Gods:
Unclose the cask of middle air!
3. Press ye and pour him, like a steed, laud-worthy, speeding through the region and the flood,
Who swims in water, dwells in wood!
4. Him, even this Steer who milks the heavens, him with a thousand streams, distilling rapturous joy,
Him who brings all things excellent.
5. Effused is he who brings good things, who brings us store of' wealth and sweet refreshing food,
Soma who brings us quiet homes.
6. For, verily, Pavamana, thou, divine! endued with brightest splendour calling all
Creatures to immortality.
7. Effused, he floweth in a stream, best rapture-giver, in the longwool of the sheep,
Sporting, as 'twere the waters' wave.
8. He who from out the rocky cavern with his might took forth the red-refulgent cows--
Thou drewest to thyself the stall of kine and steeds: burst it,
brave Lord, like one in mail; yea, burst it, O brave Lord, like one in mail!