Philosophy and Religion / Sama Veda |
Sama Veda
Part second, Book 1, Chapter I, XIX, Soma, Pavamana
1. Graciously- minded he is flowing on his way to win dear names o'er which the youthful one grows great.
The mighty and far-seeing one hath mounted now the mighty
Surya's car which moves to every side.
2. The speaker, unassailable master of this prayer, the tongue of sacrifice, pours forth the pleasant meath.
As son be sets the name of mother and of sire in the far distance, in the third bright realm of heaven.
3. Sending forth flashes he hath bellowed to the jars, led by the men into the golden reservoir.
The milkers of the sacrifice have sung to him: Lord of three heights, thou shinest brightly o'er the Dawns.