Philosophy and Religion / Sama Veda |
Sama Veda
Part second, Book 3, Chapter II, III, Soma, Pavamana
1. Hitherward have the Somas streamed, the drops while they are purified:
When blent, in waters they are raised.
2. The milk hath run to meet them like floods rushing down a precipice:
They come to Indra, being cleansed.
3. O Soma Pavamana, thou flowest as Indra's gladdener: The men have seized and lead thee forth.
4. Thou, Indu, when, expressed by stones, thou runnest to the filter, art
Ready for Indra's high decree.
5. Victorious, to be hailed with joy, O Soma, flow delighting men,
As the supporter of mankind!
6. Flow on, best Vritra-slayer; flow meet to be hailed with joyful lauds,
pure, purifying, wonderful
7. Pure, purifying, is he called, Soma effused and full of sweets,
Slayer of sinners, dear to Gods.