Philosophy and Religion / Sama Veda |
Sama Veda
Part second, Book 3, Chapter II, IV, Soma, Pavamana
1. The Sage hath robed him in the sheep's wool for the banquet of the Gods,
Subduing all our enemies.
2. For he, as Pavamana, sends thousandfold riches in the shape
Of cattle to the worshippers.
3. Thou graspest all things with thy mind, and purifiest thee with thoughts:
As such, O Soma, find us fame!
4. Pour on us lofty glory, send sure riches to our liberal lords:
Bring food to those who sing thy praise!
5. As thou art cleansed, O wondrous steed, O Soma, thou hast entered, like
A pious king, into the songs,
6. He, Soma, like a courser in the floods invincible, made bright
With hands, is resting in the press.
7. Disporting, like a liberal chief, thou goest. Soma to the sieve,
Lending the laud heroic strength.