Philosophy and Religion / Sama Veda |
Sama Veda
Part second, Book 3, Chapter II, VII, Agni
1. Thy glories are, like lightnings from the rainy cloud, visible, Agni, like the comings of the Dawns,
When, loosed to wander over plants and forest trees, thou crammest by thyself thy food into thy mouth.
2. When, sped and urged by wind, thou spreadest thee abroad, soon piercing through thy food according to thy will,
The hosts, who ne'er decayest, eager to consume, like men on chariots, Agni! strive on every side.
3. Agni, the Hotar-priest who fills the assembly full, waker of wisdom, chief controller of the thought-
Thee, yea, none other than thyself, doth man elect priest of the holy offering, great and small, alike.