Philosophy and Religion / Sama Veda |
Sama Veda
Part second, Book 4, Chapter I, III, Soma, Pavamana
1. Flow, Soma, Indu, dear to Gods, swift through the purifying sieve,
And enter fndra in thy strength
2. As mighty food speed hitherward, Indu, as a most splendid steer:
Sit in thy place as one with power
3. The well-loved meath was made to flow, the stream of the creative juice:
The Sage drew waters to himself.
4. The mighty waters, yea, the floods accompany thee mighty one,
When thou wilt clothe thee with the milk.
5. The lake is brightened in the floods. Soma, our friend, heaven's prop and stay,
Falls on the purifying cloth.
6. The tawny Bull hath bellowed. fair as mighty Mitra to behold
He gleams and flashes with the Sun.
7. Songs, Indra, active in their might, are beautified for thee, wherewith
Thou deckest thee for rapturous joy.
8. To thee who givest ample room we pray, to win the wild delight,
That Thou mayst have exalted praise,
9. Winner of kine Indu, art thou, winner of heroes, steeds, and spoil:
Primeval soul of sacrifice.
10. Pour on us, Indu! Indra-strength with a full stream of sweetness, like
Parianya, sender of the rain!