Philosophy and Religion / Sama Veda |
Sama Veda
Part second, Book 4, Chapter II, II, Soma, Pavamana
1. Forth on their way the glorious drops have flowed for maintenance of Law,
Knowing what suits this worshipper.
2. Down in the mighty waters sinks the stream of Meath, most excellent,
Oblation best of all in worth.
3. About the holy place the Steer, true, guileless, noblest, hath sent forth,
Continuous voices in the wood.
4. When the Sage, purging manly deeds and lofty wisdom flows, around,
5. When purified, he sits enthroned as King over the warring clans.
What time the sages speed him on.
6. Most dear, gold-coloured, in the fleece he sinks, and settles in the wood:
The singer is besieged with song.
7. He goes to Indra, Vayu, and the Asvins with the rapturous joy,
To whomsoe'er his power delights.
8. The waves of pleasant Soma flow to Bhaga, Mitra, Varuna,
Well knowing, through his mighty powers.
9. Gain for us, O ye Heaven and Earth, riches of Meath to win us strength:
Gain for us treasures and renown.
10. We choose to-day that chariot-steed of thine, the strong, that brings us bliss,
The guardian, the desire of all;
11. The excellent, the gladdener, the Sage with heart that understands.
The guardian, the desire of all;
12. Who for ourselves, O thou most wise, is wealth and fair intelligence,
The guardian, the desire of all.