Philosophy and Religion / Sama Veda |
Sama Veda
Part second, Book 5, Chapter I, IV, Soma, Pavamana
1. The Soma drops, exceeding rich in sweets, to Indra have been poured,
Shed with the stream of sacrifice.
2. Sages have called to Indra, like cows, milch-kine, lowing to their calves,
Called him to drink the Soma juice.
3. In the stream's wave wise Soma dwells, distilling rapture, in his. seat,
Resting upon a wild cow's hide.
4. Far-sighted Soma, Sage and bard, is worshipped in the central point,
Of heaven, the straining-cloth of wool.
5. In close embracement Indu holds Soma when poured within the: jars.
And on the purifying sieve.
6. Indu sends forth a voice on high, up in the region of the sea.
Stirring the cask that drops with meath.
7. The tree whose praises never fail dwells in the stream of holy milk,
Urged onward by its human friend.
8. O Pavamana bring us wealth bright with a thousand splendours; yea,
O Indu, give us ready help!
9. Sage, poet, poured with all his stream, Soma is driven, far away,
To the dear places of the sky.