Philosophy and Religion / Sama Veda |
Sama Veda
Part second, Book 5, Chapter II, IV, Soma, Pavamana
1. This Bull, this chariot robes him in the sheep's long wool as heproceeds.
To war that wins a thousand spoils.
2. The dames of Trita with the stones urge forth this goldencoloured one,
Indu to Indra for his drink.
3. He like a falcon settles down amid the families of men,
Like lover speeding to his love.
4. This young exhilarating juice looks downward from its place in heaven,
This Soma drop that pierced the sieve.
5. Pressed for the draught, this tawny juice flows forth intelligent, calling out,
Unto the well-beloved place.
6. Him, here, the gold-decked skilful ten cleanse carefully, who make him bright.
And beauteous for the gladdening draught.