Philosophy and Religion / Sama Veda |
Sama Veda
Part second, Book 5, Chapter II, V, Soma, Pavamana
1. Urged by the men, this vigorous steed, Lord of the mind omniscient,
Flies to the long wool of the sheep.
2. Within the filter hath he flowed, this Soma for the Gods effused.
Entering all their essences.
3. He shines in beauty there, this God, immortal, in his dwellingplace,
Foe-slayer, dearest to the Gods.
4. Directed by the sisters ten, bellowing on his way this Steer
Runs onward to the wooden vats.
5. This Pavamana, gladdening drink within the purifying sieve,
Gave splendour to the Sun in heaven.
6. Unconquerable Lord of speech, dwelling beside Viavasvan, he
Mounts up together with the Sun.