Philosophy and Religion / Sama Veda |
Sama Veda
Part second, Book 5, Chapter II, VII, Soma, Pavamana
1. This Soma, strong effused for draught, flows to the purifying sieve,
Slaying the fiends, loving the Gods.
2. Far sighted, tawny-coloured, he flows to the sieve intelligent,
Bellowing to his place of rest.
3. This vigorous Pavamana runs forth to the luminous realm of heaven,
Fiend-slayer, through the sheep's long wool.
4. This Pavamana, up above on Trita's ridge, hath made the Sun,
Together with the Sisters, shine.
5. Effused, this Soma, Steer, who slays Vritra, room-giver, unbeguiled,
Hath gone as 'twere to win the spoil.
6. Urged by the sage upon his way, this God speeds forward to the: vats,
Indu to Indra, giving boons.