Philosophy and Religion / Sama Veda |
Sama Veda
Part second, Book 6, Chapter II, XVII, Soma, Pavamana
1. The three-times seven milch-kine in the loftiest heaven have for this Soma poured the genuine milky draught.
Four other beauteous creatures hath he made for his adornment when he waxed in strength through holy rites.
2. Enjoying lovely Amrit by his wisdom he divided, each apart from other, earth and heaven.
He gladly wrapped himself in the most lucid floods, when through their glory they-found the God's resting-place.
3. May those his brilliant rays be ever free from death, inviolate for both classes of created things--
Rays wherewith powers of men and Gods are purified! Yea, even for this have sages welcomed him as King.