Philosophy and Religion / Sama Veda |
Sama Veda
Part second, Book 7, Chapter II, XIV, Agni
1. Agni, inflamed with fuel, in my song I sing, pure bright, and stedfast set in front at sacrifice.
Wise Jatavedas we implore with prayers for grace, the Sage, the Hotar-priest, bounteous, and void of guile.
2. Men, Agni, in each age, have made thee, deathless one, their envoy, offering-bearer, guard adorable.
With reverence Gods and mortals have established thee as everwatchful and almighty household Lord.
3. Though, Agni ordering the works and ways of both, as envoy of the Gods traversest both the realms.
When we lay claim to thy regard and gracious care, be thou to us a th rice- protecting friendly guard?