Philosophy and Religion / Sama Veda |
Sama Veda
Part second, Book 8, Chapter III, XI, Dawn
1. O heavenly Dawn, awaken us to ample opulence today,
Even as thou didst waken us with Satyasravas, Vayya's, Son, high-born! delightful with thy steeds!
2. Daughter of heaven, thou dawnedst of Sunitha, Suchadratha's son;
So dawn thou on one mightier still, on Satyasravas, Vayya's son, high-born! delightful with thy steeds!
3. So bringing treasure, shine to-day on us, thou daughter, of the Sky,
As on one mightier thou hast dawned, on Satyasravas, Vayya's son, high-born! delightful with thy steeds!