Philosophy and Religion / Sama Veda |
Sama Veda
Part second, Book 9, Chapter III, II, Brihaspati, Indra
1. Brihaspati, fly with thy chariot hither, slayer of demons, driving off our foemen!
Be thou protector of our cars, destroyer, victor in battle, breaker-up of armies!
2. Conspicuous. by thy strength, firm, foremost fighter, mighty and fierce, victorious, all-subduing,
The Son of Conquest, passing men and heroes, kine winner, mount thy conquering car, O Indra!
3. Cleaver of stalls, kine-winner, armed with thunder, who quells an army and with might destroys it--
Follow him, brothers! quit yourselves like heroes, and like this Indra show your zeal and courage!