Tipiṭaka / Tipiṭaka (English) / Aṅguttara Nikāya, English translation

    අඞ්ගුත්තර නිකාය 6.114

    Numbered Discourses 6.114

    11. තිකවග්ග

    11. Triads



    “තයෝමේ, භික්ඛවේ, ධම්මා. කතමේ තයෝ? අසන්තුට්ඨිතා, අසම්පජඤ්ඤං, මහිච්ඡතා. ඉමේ ඛෝ, භික්ඛවේ, තයෝ ධම්මා. ඉමේසං ඛෝ, භික්ඛවේ, තිණ්ණං ධම්මානං පහානාය තයෝ ධම්මා භාවේතබ්බා. කතමේ තයෝ? අසන්තුට්ඨිතාය පහානාය සන්තුට්ඨිතා භාවේතබ්බා, අසම්පජඤ්ඤස්ස පහානාය සම්පජඤ්ඤං භාවේතබ්බං, මහිච්ඡතාය පහානාය අප්පිච්ඡතා භාවේතබ්බා. ඉමේසං ඛෝ, භික්ඛවේ, තිණ්ණං ධම්මානං පහානාය ඉමේ තයෝ ධම්මා භාවේතබ්බා”ති.

    “Bhikkhus, there are these three things. What three? Lack of contentment, lack of situational awareness, and having many wishes. These are the three things. To give up these three things you should develop three things. What three? You should develop contentment to give up lack of contentment, situational awareness to give up lack of situational awareness, and having few wishes to give up having many wishes. These are the three things you should develop to give up those three things.”


    The authoritative text of the Aṅguttara Nikāya is the Pāli text. The English translation is provided as an aid to the study of the original Pāli text. [CREDITS »]

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