Tipiṭaka / Tipiṭaka (English)


    Of Mindfulness

    Thus have I heard. Once when the Lord was staying among the Kurus — a township of theirs is called Kammassadhamma — , he addressed the Almsmen as follows: —

    There is but one way, Almsmen, to purify creatures [56] to pass beyond sorrow and lamentation, to shed ills of body and of mind, to find the right way, and to realize Nirvana; — It is by the fourfold mustering of mindfulness...

    [For the remainder of this Sutta, see (at Dialogues II, 327 et seqq.) the translation of the 22nd Sutta of the Digha Nikaya, which is identical with this Majjhima Sutta, except that towards the end it interpolates paragraphs — which in the Majjhima Nikaya form our separate Sutta No. 141 — explaining in detail the Four Noble Truths, and accordingly is distinguished from ours here as 'the Long' or Maha-sati-patthana-suttanta.]

    *Majjhima Nikaya 10, translated by Lord CHALMERS


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