Tipiṭaka / Tipiṭaka (English) / Aṅguttara Nikāya, English translation

    අඞ්ගුත්තර නිකාය 9.83

    Numbered Discourses 9.83

    9. ඉද්ධිපාදවග්ග

    9. Bases of Psychic Power


    Weaknesses in Training and the Bases of Psychic Power

    “පඤ්චිමානි, භික්ඛවේ, සික්ඛාදුබ්බල්‍යානි. කතමානි පඤ්ච? පාණාතිපාතෝ …පේ… සුරාමේරයමජ්ජපමාදට්ඨානං—ඉමානි ඛෝ, භික්ඛවේ, පඤ්ච සික්ඛාදුබ්බල්‍යානි.

    “Bhikkhus, there are these five weaknesses when you’re training. What five? Killing living creatures, stealing, sexual misconduct, lying, and using alcoholic drinks that cause negligence. These are the five weaknesses when you’re training.

    ඉමේසං ඛෝ, භික්ඛවේ, පඤ්චන්නං සික්ඛාදුබ්බල්‍යානං පහානාය චත්තාරෝ ඉද්ධිපාදා භාවේතබ්බා. කතමේ චත්තාරෝ? ඉධ, භික්ඛවේ, භික්ඛු ඡන්දසමාධිපධානසඞ්ඛාරසමන්නාගතං ඉද්ධිපාදං භාවේති, වීරියසමාධි … චිත්තසමාධි … වීමංසාසමාධිපධානසඞ්ඛාරසමන්නාගතං ඉද්ධිපාදං භාවේති. ඉමේසං ඛෝ, භික්ඛවේ, පඤ්චන්නං සික්ඛාදුබ්බල්‍යානං පහානාය ඉමේ චත්තාරෝ ඉද්ධිපාදා භාවේතබ්බා”ති.

    To give up these five weaknesses in your training you should develop the four bases of psychic power. What four? It’s when a bhikkhu develops the basis of psychic power that has immersion due to enthusiasm, and active effort. They develop the basis of psychic power that has immersion due to energy, and active effort. They develop the basis of psychic power that has immersion due to mental development, and active effort. They develop the basis of psychic power that has immersion due to inquiry, and active effort. To give up these five weaknesses in your training you should develop these four bases of psychic power.”


    The authoritative text of the Aṅguttara Nikāya is the Pāli text. The English translation is provided as an aid to the study of the original Pāli text. [CREDITS »]

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